When: Sundays 5-9pm
Dates: 10/5-10/26/14
Levels: All levels
Cost: $199
Are you interested performing aerial professionally one day? This October, Sky Gym presents a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a Performance Intensive that will take you through the process that professionals use to develop their acts and prepare for auditions. Each performer will come away with one solo act (choice of apparatus) and a group piece, promo photos in costume, and a promo video clip. The intensive will culminate in a work-in-progress show.
All Levels are welcome, but you must have existing vocabulary on an apparatus. You will not learn new skills but you will explore new movements on your apparatus. This is designed as a tightly integrated experience, so if you have to miss a class, it is your responsibility to coordinate with the teacher to find out what you missed. There are no refunds or exchanges. Minimum of 6 people must register to hold the workshop.